Occupied Space

Two Installations at the 
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 
December 2009

Occupied Space

A defunct phone booth, a film made on the boarder between Juarez and El Paso, the Mexican/Texan border, found materials: bones, sand, carcasses.

Occupied Space 2

A corridor, under a stairwell, in the basement.
materials: sand, tumbleweed, 
barbed wire,strip lights and tarpaulin.

An incarnation
of questions and ideas that arose on the trip: 
migration, prohibition of movement, notions of the real or the authentic. 

 Tumble weeds, are not native species in the West,  they were introduced by a large shipment of flax seed from the Ukraine  The flax was not hardy enough to survive but the tumble weed thrived.

The installation had a performative element when I teamed up with the Electronic Arts Ensemble who make instruments called Chuppers.  The EAE responded to my installation and together we crafted a live 2 channel video mix, one camera on the installation and one on the performance, mixed and projected on to the side wall.

see the video below of the performance